professional development

Understanding and Resolving Friction Points with Communication

To foster successful personal or professional relationships, we must focus on the quality and effectiveness of our communication. Yet, despite our best intentions, misunderstandings often arise. These missteps usually stem not from a lack of effort but from differences in how people express themselves and interpret others. Not only that, how we perceive information and how people interact with us can also be influenced by current life situations and a lifetime of building patterns.

Increase Your Profitability By Using Three Writing Techniques

Introduction: 20-20 Services is thrilled to offer you our first blog written by a strategic partner, Ryan Standil, President of Write To Excite. Ryan helps public accounting firms increase their writing efficiencies, which leads to greater clarity and profitability.

By |2024-10-22T18:24:11+00:00October 13, 2023|Blog, Insights, Professional Development|0 Comments

Forging Strong Leaders: The Crucial Role of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for Accountants

For individuals who aspire to become future partners, it is crucial for accounting firms to proactively foster the development of leadership skills from an early stage. By doing so, the firm ensures these groups are capable of functioning together at a higher level, and the continuity and long-term success of the practice is assured when current leaders eventually transition out of their roles.

Play to Your Strengths: When In-House Training Is the Right Choice

With so much riding on the training that a firm provides to its professionals, how can learning and development (L&D) teams make the best use of their finite time and resources?

By |2024-10-22T16:04:46+00:00February 23, 2023|Blog, Insights, Learning|0 Comments

Accounting Training: 3 Strategies for Regional CPA Firms to Attract Top Talent

No matter what size firm you look at, there’s always too much work and not enough people. Regional firms face additional challenges with hiring early-career professionals and delivering the accounting training they need to more effectively serve clients. Many of these firms have the flexibility and insights necessary to capitalize on this shift if they consider these three strategies.

Yearning for Learning: Why knowledge is the key to recruiting and retention

To solve recruiting and retention challenges, firms should invest in training and knowledge growth for employees that will get them into the positions that will be most successful and fulfilling for them—and for the firm.

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