Audit Manager Training is designed for individuals who have recently transitioned or are preparing to transition to a managerial role. This two-day program contains technical auditing topics, with a focus on communicating findings and issues with the client, reviewing recent inspection report findings and data analytics. The program also contains content related to key foundational skills necessary to function as a manager within the public accounting profession.

New for 2025!

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Our Trends and Transformations module includes an overview of SAS 146 and the new updates to SQMS relevant to Managers.


Delivery Methods Fields of Study
Group Live

Group Internet

Blended Learning

Auditing (8)

Personal Development (6)

Management Services (2)

CPE Credits Prerequisites
16 Credits  5+ Years Experience
Level Advance Preparation
Intermediate None


  • Perform managerial roles on audit engagements, including identifying quality issues, job specific project management and managing multiple overlapping projects.
  • Analyze and report to the client all required information, including addressing financial misstatements and control deficiencies.
Register individuals and small groups in our public sessions of this course.
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Visit our Build Your Course Menu or contact us at info@20-20services.com.