20-20 Services’ CAAS Foundational Skills Training is a series of courses in four subject matter areas designed to help those new to CAAS with one to two years of accounting experience advance their knowledge of processes and analysis, basic compilation procedures, business writing, professional communications, and tax basics.


Accounting Processes and Financial Statement Analysis

8 Credits

  • Introduction to advisory services
  • Common financial reports and statements
  • Basic balance sheet and income statement analysis techniques
  • Common issues in accounting transactions, including bank reconciliations, accounts receivable, payroll and benefits, accrual-based accounting issues, equity transactions and P&L issues

4 Credits

  • Perform a basic compilation procedure
  • Perform a basic review procedure
  • Discuss common review issues found by supervisors
  • Describe independence rules in performing various attest and non-attest services


Delivery Methods Fields of Study
Group Live

Group Internet

Blended Learning

Accounting (12)

Taxes (8)

Communications & Marketing (2)

Personal Development (2)

CPE Credits Prerequisites
24 Credits 1-2 Years Experience
Level Advance Preparation
Basic None


  • Perform basic analysis of accounting systems and reports and identify common errors.
  • Perform basic preparation, compilation and review projects, and describe differences between scope of services.
  • Describe common tax issues, and apply strategies for individual and small business clients.
Register individuals and small groups in our open enrollment sessions of this course.
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Visit our Build Your Course Menu or contact us at info@20-20services.com.