
Unlocking Global Potential: 3 Compelling Reasons to Outsource Offshore Accounting Staff Training

“We’ve just tripled our workforce overseas” is a statement we have heard quite a few times over the past few years. The immediate challenge is providing an offshore accounting staff training program that gets this rapid influx of internationally based employees on the same page with the accounting firm’s personnel in the United States.

By |2024-10-22T16:01:47+00:00June 15, 2023|Auditing, Blog, CAAS, Insights, Learning, Taxes|0 Comments

Breaking the Cycle of Complacency: Can SAS 145 Transform Audit Risk Assessment?

Some firms may view SAS 145’s definitional and procedural changes as simply line items to add to their checklists, but leaders in the profession will understand the changes resulting from the standard are intent on enhancing audit quality to meet the demands of the future.

By |2024-10-22T16:03:43+00:00March 23, 2023|Auditing, Blog, Insights|0 Comments
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